
The future of integrated planning: the development territorial system of Vallo di Diano

The future of integrated planning: the development territorial system of Vallo di Diano

Vincenzo Russo
Campania Region
Michele Rienzo
Mountain Community of Vallo di Diano
Tiziana Medici
Mountain Community of Vallo di Diano

The Integrated Project “Great Cultural Attractor Chartreuse of Padula” has represented, since its birth, a great opportunity for the territory of the Vallo di Diano. Its added value has been the application of the method of the agreement and the sharing to pursue the objective of development through some interventions of public and private initiative related to tourist services, craftsmanship, commerce and receptiveness, with the awareness that the fates of the tourist development of the Vallo di Diano is tied up to the cultural heritage.  The projects have been programmed to increase in value monuments, buildings, historic places, to offer new opportunities of development to the local communities, to stimulate the tourism in these extraordinary places whose heart is represented from the Chartreuse of Padula, stupendous monument of international value.
To the Mountain Community of Vallo di Diano has been submitted the strategic role to favour an express procedural way and to coordinate the activities of the Integrated Project “Chartreuse of Padula”, also through the realization of five interventions that throw the bases for the formation of an Agency for the Development of the Vallo di Diano to the purpose to make synergic the interventions financed.  The future of the Integrated Project is surely the “accord of reciprocity”, whose signature has been promoted by the Development Territorial System of Vallo di Diano, that has expressed also the necessity to compile some studies of feasibility propedeutici to the formulation of the project of vast area STS Va’ him of Give. The particular strategic position of the territory, the coincidence among STS zone, Integrated Project Area and negotiated planning Area, allows to be able to affirm that a new great planning is in action for 2013.

Pubblicato il 27-08-2007, letto 838 volte

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